BBDO GUERRERO, Philippines
Mr. Tony Harris is an English, from UK. Staying for almost 16 months already in our country with his belief that in five years time, our country will be more exciting, imaginative, creative and a stimulating place to live with.
A graduate of Ancient History form a University in England. He’s been working as a Jr. Account Director in a small agency in the year of 1994. He was never really interested in Advertising until such time in 1980, Advertising becomes pretty sexy in the history of England. It’s where people are. It’s where the money is he said. It was a Summer then, while everyone else is busy packing their things up and busy traveling to different places, he searched for a job so he could earn more money and not to waste his time duri
ng his vacation. Fortunately, he found one, just a small agency that is related to Advertising. It’s been actually a not so good start for him because he got hired the time when UK suffered from an Economic Crisis. But even though his start became tough for him, still he endured and persevered.
His degree might be a way far from where he’s into now but one thing that got him in the field of Advertising – his joy of studying things and his passion for his work. He believe that one’s degree or knowledge doesn’t make a person excel in his/her job. It’s the passion, commitment to their work. He said that it’s all about passion and interest. As you become passionate about what you’re doing, the best things from your inner being will just come out naturally.
Living a better life with his choice of sticking to his passion in Advertising, so far, he has now some of the greatest achievement in life. Together with his partner David G. they arrived into the tag line “It’s more fun in the Philippines”. He stressed the tag line as absolutely bloody true. He loved the people in our country except for the fact that nobody in here values punctuality. He believed in the Filipinos a lot. He has this mindset that five years from now Philippines will probably become as one of the biggest and competitive country all over the world depending on the development and improvements of our nation. Life is about either winning or losing so Filipinos got to be quick, he added.
After all, the words of encouragement we’ve heard from him falls into three core values in our life. Nothing but interest, curiosity and most of all, again, the passion. Energy, keep working ladies! He imparted.